Austin has been a professional in the field of mental health since 2015 when he graduated from the University of Central Florida with a MA in Counselor Education and a BS in Psychology and Leadership Studies. His worldview and approach to therapy has been largely shaped by experiences working and living in various settings around the world, the vastness of which allow him to connect with a wide range of clients, providing unique perspectives on their concerns.
Some notable experiences include providing wilderness therapy for teens in the South Carolina juvenile justice system, counseling men affected by HIV/AIDS in Malawi, implementing trauma-informed programs for families fleeing ISIS and seeking refuge in Germany, partnering with the Orlando LGBTQ Chamber of Commerce to provide counseling for families affected by the tragedy at Pulse, partnering with leaders in the Church of England to address the growing mental health crisis, and working for five years as both a school counselor and mental health designee at a local Title 1 middle school. Most recently, Austin has been splitting his time between providing therapy in private practice and serving as the head coach at Blue Swan Boulders, a climbing gym in downtown Orlando. He began Campfire Counseling in 2023 which provides therapeutic, consultation, and coaching services.
Therapeutic Philosophy
I believe all humans will experience stress, suffering, uncertainty, and ultimately death. I also believe many of our issues come from how we face these inevitable aspects of being human. As early as childhood we begin learning how to survive in this world. We learn patterns of thinking, feeling, and behaving that are meant to protect us, and perhaps do so for a period of time, but at some point become ineffective or even destructive. These patterns inhibit our ability to experience a life of meaning, connection, growth, and peace.
In therapy you will be invited to courageously bring awareness to your patterns by gently revisiting their origins. We will slowly and carefully deconstruct them and I will guide you in intentionally reconstructing new patterns based on your beliefs and values. We will teach your mind and body to move from “survival mode” to actually living by learning to face all aspects of being human head on, especially those that currently feel terrifying or uncomfortable.
When done well, I believe therapy is hard. It can be messy, uncomfortable, even painful at times. Our sessions will also be filled with laughter, irreverence, probably profanity, and ultimately will become a space for you to discover what it feels like to be safe, to be loved, and to be fully yourself.